When I started blogging a few years back, I did so at Tumblr. Although I don’t use my blog much, I am planning to publish the occasional article still, and it felt increasingly weird just being me and a bunch of teenagers on there.
Social media
I admit it. I didn’t start to understand what the Twitter fuss was actually about until a couple of years ago. This may be something to do with the fact that I’m due to turn 40 next year, and am therefore – officially – an old fart. I’d opened up an account briefly, and it reinforced my impression it was all Justin Bieber, trolling and cat pictures. It sat there as one of those slightly sad egg avatars, for years, unloved.
Lucy Kellaway’s recent Klout article and various discussions I’ve seen recently around endorsements on LinkedIn have got me thinking. The general consensus at the moment from sensible people seems to be that, at least in their current state, they’re pretty useless.
For a while now, I’ve been thinking I would like to do more with social networking from a work perspective, having closely observed how powerful it can be on the Close the Door campaign I help out with.