It was great to have the opportunity to speak at the Ansible London November meet-up (my first as an attendee or speaker, believe it or not). Thanks to Marco for organising, Mudassar/ for sorting the venue, and whoever bought the beer/pizza for doing that. Sorry for anyone who had to stand; I guess turnout was better than expected!
Time for one of my rare blog posts - which I’ll follow up with another on a related topic …
We’re about to put out a BJSS white paper on DevOps - hopefully sometime in the next week, barring delays getting it into appropriately pretty PDF format. During the review process, one of the people reading asked about a new term - “NoOps” - they’d recently heard.
Very delayed in posting this (due in large part to a new baby daughter!) - but I’ve penned a new chapter on DevOps in the second edition of the BJSS Enterprise Agile book. So for anyone interested in actually realising the full benefits of both Agile and Cloud, get along to and request a copy.
My first published article 🙂